Existem AM Summer BBQ

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This blog is slowly turning into “thanks for the jolly good time at yet another affiliate event” blog 😉 But before I return to posting some actual content that doesn’t involve drinks I simply couldn’t allow one of the best networking and down right fun events this year to pass without getting the mention it deserved.


This time the good, bad and ugly (you know who you are) made their way to Plymouth for the Existem AM Summer BBQ. The venue was booked from 7pm to very late (think it was 3am in the end) and they even had Plymouth’s finest wedding DJ on hand to spin the tunes, when we were all sober we mocked his cheesy choice in songs but believe me at 12pm the mockery was no more as the dance floor was full of the worst dancing and singing you could imagine for a bunch of drunken Affiliate Marketing people, I would like to go into more detail but my mind is a haze. I am sure Lee McCoy was doing the best “dad dancing” moves, not bad for a non-dad 😉 and I do believe there was a dance off at one point, personally I can’t remember it as I was having one of those out of body experiences where I was seeing some crazy fool who looked like me busting the floor up with wild moves as he was throwing shapes (mostly squares) all over the place… free life lesson “don’t drink cider and move to JD and cokes”!!


The raffle in aid of local RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institution) was run with style by Hannah who shared the microphone with local celebrity and Plymouth Argyle Midfielder Jamie Mackie and my understanding is it raised a tidy little sum, hopefully Hannah will comment on this blog post to let us know how much in the end, and cheers to everyone who donated prizes, everything from a packet of Skips to a 2 night mini cruise to Amsterdam for 2 people.


Fun aside some business was done mostly before and during the actual BBQ feast, I say a feast as it wasn’t some crappy burger and that was that, no it was burgers, steaks, chunky bits of chicken on sticks, sausages and for the vegetarians (what you doing at a BBQ anyway) it looked like someone brought a garden along, but I avoided that area due to suffering from Lachanophobia (I don’t really have a fear of vegetables).


What I find interesting about these events is that you find out new stuff from people you have known for ages, indeed I may be sorting out a partnership for one of my Affiliate sites due to the event, time will tell how profitable or not that may be but still the point is that’s a bit of business that I probably wouldn’t have thought about if I had not got talking to a few of the old hands that turn up from time to time.

So all in all a great evening thanks to Mark, Bruce and Hannah from Existem AM who made it all possible. You guys ran a fine event, it was busy and the stages the event ran through worked really well I felt, well worth the trip from Glasgow, Stuart and Jonathan from Paid On Results who made the journey with me had a great time also.

I hear Mark has booked up next year as this one was such a success, so pencil in pen in Friday 20th August 2010 for the next Existem AM Summer BBQ and don’t miss out this time.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Mark

    Thanks for the kind words Clarke.

    I am really pleased everyone enjoyed it, it was a lovely day, good food, loads of drink, good company, and come 12:00 excellent music…lol.

    As Clarke has mentioned we have already booked for next year 20th August, which is a Friday night so make sure you make it for the weekend.

    We did indeed raise good funds for the RNLI with a total of over £600 being raised.

    Looking forward to next year already.

  2. Jason

    Clarke a good review of a fantastic event. Well organised it had everything you could possibly want, networking opportunities, a great range of affiliates, networks merchants and of course agencies.

    Food was excellent as was the bar, who like many others enjoyed the cider. Thanks to Hannah, for letting me into the secret of Mount Gay.

    All this was then rounded off with a disco, not the heavy banging variety we usually endure at these networking events, but one which we could (try) sing and dancing the night away, until 3am – oh and there were sandwiches laid on at a late hour for those with the munchies.

    All bases covered, a fantastic night… Thanks Existem-AM

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